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Overall, success is hard to attain. Maybe you can succeed in small projects rather quickly, but achieving success in life as a whole is exponentially harder. However, once that success is attained, it takes an equal, if not higher, amount of constant effort to maintain that success.
Success is quite frail. It can crumble right before your eyes at any moment. So if you want to maintain the level of success you have now, here are some effective daily practices that help successful people stay successful.
Careful Planning
Successful people did not obtain success by chance. They planned it thoroughly, and they have learned that the best way to safeguard success to be prepared for all of life’s challenges. Successful people plan. No one can emphasize that enough. Successful. People. Plan.
Yes, we usually make plans for the relatively far future. But one of the surest ways of staying successful is planning your daily life. Successful individuals know that they have to keep on top of everything if they are to remain successful. They do not want to be blindsided. The best thing about daily plans is that you can plan how to maximize your time.
Schedule your day. Successful persons are known to be organized individuals or, at the very least, steady planners. They carefully plan how they spend their time to ensure that they are doing so efficiently. This is the crux of how successful people stay on top of their game.
With careful, daily planning and a flexible daily schedule, you can have time to tackle problems before they explode. This does not mean that your life will be perfect, but this is why you have to keep your schedule flexible. Even with careful planning, you can still be caught off guard, so make sure to plan your days with room for flexibility. Your schedule should work for you, not constrict you.
Exercising and Healthy Eating
Careful planning can only get you so far. You can’t have success and keep it using only your mental faculties. You need to make sure you also utilize your physical resources, of which your body is the best. Think about it. How do you expect yourself to keep up with all of the strenuous tasks successful people face if your body is weak and diseased?
Daily exercise and eating healthy, having a balanced diet, are the two secrets of good health and a strong physical body. These two are great examples of what you can put into your daily planning. You have to plan your daily meals, and you have to plan when to do your exercises.
There are many benefits to exercise and eating healthy.
- Higher energy levels. Successful people lead demanding lives. You want to have all the energy you can muster to keep up.
- Stronger defenses. Most diseases will disable you to some degree. It can set you back on projects that you are working on. Daily exercise and eating healthy strengthens your defenses against diseases.
- A more positive outlook on life. Exercise releases endorphins, which are colloquially known as happy hormones. Eating healthy makes you look and feel more radiant while actually balancing your body’s hormones and chemicals (like cortisol, the stress hormone). Daily exercise and healthy eating habits allow you to have a more positive disposition, which comes in handy for facing day-to-day challenges.
Another critical point to consider when talking about success and health is that you are limited by what your body can do. The mind can only go as far as the body allows because thinking and planning take energy. So, strengthen your body. Exercise and eat healthy.
Learning New Things
Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and all the other iconic success stories are admittedly voracious readers. To obtain and maintain success, you need to know how to solve problems. Constant reading and learning are daily practices you can do to stay on top.
You can always learn more about your profession. Hands-on experience is a great teacher, but you should dedicate some time in your days to deliberately learn more about your work. Why wait for failures and mistakes to learn critical lessons when you can learn from other people’s failures and mistakes? Learn the lessons beforehand and avoid all the setbacks.
Learn new things. Dedicate a few hours of every day to reading or listening to lectures. To remain successful, you have to make sure that you are well educated in your field.
Developing the Skillset
Successful people are usually highly skilled people, there is no doubt about it. It is a universal truth that the more adept you are at something, the more successful you can be at it. Developing your skillset is an excellent complement to learning new things.
Take the time to enhance your skills, and, aside from being better at what you do, why not also develop other skills?
Technology evolves really quickly. Sooner or later, jobs that are on high-demand today will be automated. Building your skillset is an effective way to ensure that you will always land on your feet.
Enhance the skills you already have. Learn new skills. No matter how much the business world, economy, and life in general change, you will stay successful.
Having an Early Morning Routine
It is quite common for successful people to be early risers. Why do they do that? Because successful people know that it is during the morning that the mind is at its sharpest. After a rejuvenating sleep, your mind is free from the accumulated worries of a full day. And you should maximize that. So, having an early morning routine is definitely something you should have if you want to stay successful.
The morning routine could include some of the activities already discussed above, like reading or exercise. You can also do some of your more recreational interests, like meditation, whatever that gets you pumped to begin a day of productivity.
Doing these activities routinely in the morning sets up the mood of your day. If your day begins productively and positively, chances are that will carry on throughout the entire day. Also, doing these early in the morning ensures that you are not likely to be distracted.
Having a Night Routine
Since successful people plan their day and have an early morning routine, it stands to reason that they also have a nightly routine. In fact, studies show that a nightly routine established early in life affects the future of an individual. If made a habit, it is a signal to your brain that it is time to power down, rest, and get ready for tomorrow. Therefore, it is best to have activities that wind you down. This helps get your mind off the worries of your day. You’ll fall asleep much easier, and it should prepare you to face the following day’s challenges.
Here are some activities you can include in your nightly routine:
- Light reading
- A warm bath
- Preparing your outfit for tomorrow
- Journalling
Keeping a Daily Journal
This is perhaps one of the most overlooked daily activities of successful people. Keeping a daily journal can help you stay successful in a magnificent way: you can keep track of where you are in your life. It can help you track your progress on the goals you have made; it can help you keep track of your failings and shortcomings. By keeping a daily journal, you can see whether you’re achieving your goals, attaining success, or just stuck.
We can only remember a fraction of events that take place within 24 hours. Writing helps. Writing down the day’s meaningful events is a simple way to remember lessons, small successes, and obstacles to overcome.
Another noteworthy point: scheduling your journal writing for the end of the day helps wind you down, especially if there is a lot on your mind. It is a psychology trick that if you can’t sleep because of the thoughts in your head, writing them down gives you enough of a release.
Staying Successful is a Long Term Game
It may seem counterproductive to spend a lot of time thinking about and doing these things when you can go about achieving goals and making life happen. But what you can achieve as a result in the long run far outweigh the time it takes to develop these habits.
If you keep up with just these few practices, you will get better at them. The better you get, the less time they will take. And they will improve you as a person overall. You will not only stay successful but actually become more successful.